The Vice President of the Republic, Raquel Peña and the Minister of Public Works, Deligne Ascención, led the ceremony for the delivery of seven houses, built to provide low-income families in the municipal district of El Carretón in the municipality of Nizao, in the province of Peravia.
The Vice President expressed that “these houses raise the dignity of their owners. These works have more significance for them than any big work. Peravia, land of good and hardworking people”.
She announced that, through the Administrative Minister of the Presidency, José Ignacio Paliza, they will find funds for the funeral home and the baseball field, works requested by the community.
On his side, the Minister of Public Works, Deligne Ascención, described the event as very significant for the people, whose lives change in their quality and hope, with the delivered houses.
“The same highlight the desire of President Luis Abinader that we put the people at the center of every action of the government,” he said.
Minister Ascención said that for the MOPC these little houses reaffirm that its actions are aimed at improving the quality of every human being in the country, not because of the small budget of 245 thousand pesos each, but because they raise their living conditions, which means that, as of today, they have a change.
“Here we reiterate to be close to the people, because the center of our management is the human being, as President Abinader affirms.”
He highlighted that in Peravia province, through the MOPC, investments of over 3 billion are being made. At the same time, he added that in the next few days, Public Works will begin the construction of sidewalks and curbs for more than 300 million pesos.
He also spoke of the works in Azua, so that Peravia can say that the change began and thus the government gives back what the people pay with their taxes and their dedication to work.
These houses, which correspond to lot 20 South of this province, are part of a program of 83 houses, the construction of which began last October, directed by the Department of Special Programs of the Ministry of Public Works.
The next stage of this lot will continue in another sector of the Municipality of Bani.
These houses are part of an ambitious project being developed in marginalized and vulnerable urban areas in selected municipalities of the thirty-two provinces of the national territory, including Greater Santo Domingo, according to data contained in P1 and P2 Poverty maps prepared by the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development.
According to the most recent data and statistics, in the Dominican Republic, the housing deficit in poverty levels 1 and 2 in the national territory is 2,120,783 units, of which 972,925 units are considered repairable, which merit rehabilitation (Informative Bulletin No.5 Alternative City: Housing and Deficit). Another important proportion requires replacement due to its state of deterioration.
Based on this reality, the Ministry of Public Works and Communications intends to improve this situation through the execution of this program as part of the follow-up to the State policies related to housing.
The Beneficiaries. The program selects the beneficiaries in each intervention segment based on the following criteria. 1-Housing in poor condition.
2- Large families.
3- Older age.
4- Precarious income level.
5- Single mothers. 6- Occupants with special conditions. 7-Occupants with catastrophic illnesses. They do not qualify as rented housing, nor housing in a risky situation.
Work Methodology. The assembly of the program has two main phases. a- The preparatory phase refers to the verification of existing data, formulation of the proposal and planning of initial activities and b- Coordination with local actors for the physical execution and socialization in the community, with the required agreements and strategic alliances for which visits are made to the sectors of intervention to verify the information and the taking of work samples, as well as to establish the necessary coordination at the local level with the key actors of the locality.
Currently, the political liaisons and local authorities are actively participating, sending to the Directorate of Social and Community Programs the list of houses eligible for selection to be included in the formulation of the lots corresponding to each province where there has been no intervention.