Regulations presented to regulate electric mobility in DR

The regulation of electromobility in the country aims to ensure both the rights of users and compliance with standards of quality, safety, design and operation of electric vehicle charging systems.

The Superintendence of Electricity (SIE), held a public hearing to hear the proposals for “Regulation of tariffs for charging electric vehicles” and “Technical regulation of electric vehicle charging systems”, with the aim of providing the Dominican Republic with a legal framework to regulate the growing market of electromobility.

In a press release, the SIE recalled that as regulator of the Dominican electrical sector, it is responsible for the regulation of electric mobility in the country, including tariff and technical aspects.

The regulation of electromobility in the country aims to guarantee both the rights of users and compliance with standards of quality, safety, design and operation of electric vehicle charging systems, including residential and commercial tariffs, as well as procedures and authorizations for the installation of charging infrastructure.

This legal instrument defines the technical and tariff requirements for the connection of vehicle charging stations or points located in public and private places for public use, within the area of influence of any electric company providing public electricity distribution services.

The public hearing was conducted by EIS Board President and Electricity Superintendent Andrés Astacio Polanco, along with board members Aura Caraballo and Diógenes Rodríguez.

Superintendent Astacio stressed that this public hearing is very important because the regulation of electric mobility is a challenge they have taken up, to move increasingly towards an energy transition, adopting sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.Regulations presented to regulate electric mobility in DR

“As the regulatory entity of the Dominican electric sector, we are proud to present these proposals, which are the result of months of work with the aim of developing fundamental aspects such as commercialization, interoperability, commercial and residential tariffs, technical and safety aspects, impact on the grid, energy consumption, smart charging, registration and transactions of charging stations, legal aspects and international best practices.”

In addition, he thanked the German cooperation agency GIZ, which, through the Energy Transition Project, funded the consultancy for the development of the proposals presented.

The event counted with the participation and intervention of agents of the electricity and mobility sector involved in the subject, as well as the general public. Questions were answered and the participants shared their comments and suggestions.

With the holding of this public hearing, the EIS complies with the General Law on Open Access to Public Information No. 200-04, the General Electricity Law 125-01 and Resolution EIS-81-2005 of October 10, 2005, which establishes the rules for holding public hearings.

As the regulatory and supervisory body of the national electricity sector, the Superintendence of Electricity is committed to transforming electric mobility in the Dominican Republic, and therefore deploys public policies to achieve greater competitiveness and efficiency in this growing market of vehicles powered by clean energy.


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