Proposed by Jochy Campusano
Offer yourself the opportunity to makeup like a professional.
Jochy Campusano, make-up artist for Max Factor
, created a special training program in his new studio, guarantying that in 8 hours divided in two steps, you will know all the stages to makeup yourself, at the same time you will become aware of the makeup importance nowadays.
The participants will optimize their way to makeup, by developing advanced techniques for the day to day life. As technology, the makeup develops and this great artiste proposes you to share his secrets to be always radiant, fresh and beautiful.
The lesson lasts more or less 8 hours, divided in this way: The first day, an introduction to the lesson and the 3 hours left will be dedicated to the first part of this one.
The second part will take place in the next day.
Price: The cost of this course is 3000 pesos that can be paid directly in the Banco Popular in the account 117-96015-3 at the name of José Sánchez.
Duration: 2 days
Address: Calle Apolinar Tejera Sur No. 4 Los Prados.
You have to go will a white shirt, your makeup and the hair must be combed with a ponytail.
Date: Tuesday 28th and Thursday 30th of October
Hour: 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm.
To confirm your participation please call Martina Rosario at (809)430.4825 // 809. 548 6153.
This article was sent by Jochy Campusano. If you wish to appear on the Fashion, Deco & Design and Beauty pages, please contact [email protected]