Conacerd relaunches training for commercial leaders

The president of the Consejo Nacional de Comerciantes y Empresarios de la Republica Dominicana, (CONACERD), Antonio Cruz Rojas, informed that next Thursday, May 23, this entity will be holding the second face-to-face workshop of the year 2024, at the CDEEE club, in Herrera.

He indicated that together with Industrias Banilejas, (INDUBAN), they have invited to the workshop more than 150 MSMEs of both classifications, that is, essential and non-essential services.

Lideres Comerciales ConacerdHe explained that the on-site education workshop will be aimed at CONACERD members in West Santo Domingo, in the following sectors: Kilometer 12 of Haina, El Café, Residencial Santo Domingo, Ensanches Altagracia, El Palmar 1 and 2, El Abanico and El Libertador de Herrera.

According to the president of CONACERD, the topics to be taught at the workshop are closely related to the strategies elaborated by the financial entities of the country and the Ministries of the State, whose collective interest is that the MSMEs formalize and raise their productive capacities.

According to Cruz Rojas, the topics to be taught in the on-site workshop are:

  • Importance of Associativity for MSMEs,
  • Importance of Formalization for MSMEs,
  • Financial Education for MSMEs,
  • Law 17-19, on Illicit Trade and Smuggling of regulated products.
  • How to manage the services for Deliveres.

“The topics will be taught by technicians from CONACERD, Industry and Commerce, Banco de Reservas, Brugal and CO and INTRANT. In addition, each topic will have a time limit of 30 minutes of exposure,” he said.

He added that the workshop is part of CONACERD’s program for this year 2024, through the Training Program for Commercial and Business Leaders, FOLICE, which will be 14, 5 face-to-face and 9 virtual.

Know More: Commerce

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