Executive Branch issues decree creating the Commission for Agricultural Imports

The Executive Power created this Tuesday by decree 605-21 the Commission for Agricultural Imports, which will be chaired by the Ministry of Agriculture.

The Commission for Agricultural Imports is empowered to, within a period of no more than 15 days, prepare a regulation that establishes its operation and the procedures to be followed for the awarding of permits for agricultural imports, states article three of the official measure.

The government institutions in charge of coordinating the actions of this Commission are the Ministries of Agriculture, which will chair it; Finance, Industry, Commerce and Mipymes; and Planning, Economy and Development, the latter three acting as members.

It is also composed of the General Directorate of Customs, the Agricultural Bank, the National Institute for Price Stabilization and the General Directorate of Public Contracting.

It is also provided that it shall be sent to the Ministry of Agriculture for its knowledge and execution.

Repealed Decrees

The first article of the decree signed by President Luis Abinader, repeals Decrees 505-99 of November 24, 1999 and 569-12 of September 11, 2012.

Decree 505-99 of November 24, 1999, established the Regulations of the import policy inherent to the Technical Rectification of Schedule XXIII of Tariff Concessions submitted by the Dominican Republic before the WTO, for the following products: garlic, rice, sugar, chicken meat, onions, beans, powdered milk and corn.

Meanwhile, the repealed Decree 569-12, established the Regulation that governs the guidelines to improve the general procedures to be followed in the allocation of tariff quotas for technical rectification, and repealed Articles 7, 8 and 9 of Decree 505-99.

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