Dominican Republic: Puerto Plata Chamber of Commerce coordinates reactivation of tourism security table

With the interest of resuming the actions oriented to organize the security aspects for the tourists, the Tourism Commission of the Chamber of Commerce and Production of Puerto Plata organized a meeting with the main local authorities related to these areas, informed Arecoa.

The meeting became a special opportunity to expose the main challenges and threats faced by the destination in view of the massive reactivation of tourism.

Mileyka Brugal, president of the entity, introduced the meeting by explaining the Chamber of Commerce’s responsibility to encourage public-private partnerships through inter-institutional working groups and workshops.

“For us it is a commitment to organize ourselves in time to guarantee a planning that is viable before resuming the normality of our tourist activities; that in this way we can do it at the successful rhythm with which we were conducting ourselves as a tourist-cruise destination”, she affirmed.

Meanwhile, Juan Pablo González, technical director of the institution, presented the results of a survey carried out in the Historic Center of the city, which shows the main concerns of the merchants of this area regarding the security of their establishments.

The statistics were offered to the security and law enforcement agencies, to serve as a reference for the implementation of a security cordon.

For his part, the national deputy director of the Specialized Tourism Security Corps (Cestur), Colonel Ignacio Peña Grullón, explained how it was constituted, the achievements and results of the Tourism Security Committee, established in 2015 with the arrival of cruise ship tourists at the Amber Cove port, with the interest that it be retaken.

The meeting was attended by the Provincial Governor, Claritza Rochtte, the Northern Regional Director of the National Police, Brigadier General Jacinto Minaya Herrera; Colonel Pilot Manuel Abad García Lithgow, commander of the Puerto Plata Air Base; the inspector for the province of Puerto Plata of Cestur, Colonel Juan Ramsés de la Cruz Taveras; the commander of the Navy port captain, Victor I. Santos Gil.

Also in attendance were Colonel Isidro Zabala, deputy director of Digesett; Stephanie Kfouri, provincial director of Tourism; Colonel Cesilio Arnaud Almonte, director of the Municipal Police; architect Williana Núñez, director of Urban Planning of the Mayor’s Office of Puerto Plata; Wascar García, director of the Civil Defense of Puerto Plata; Ángel Amaury Pla, coordinator of the Tourism Commission of the Chamber of Commerce; Auribel Tejada de Bournigal, administrative director of this entity, among other authorities.

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