Call for the VIII National Theater Festival

The Ministry of Culture has opened the call for the VIII National Theater Festival of the Dominican Republic 2024 (VIII Fenate-RD 2024), which will offer incentives of up to 250,000 pesos to selected groups.

The festival, which will take place in October 2024, is open to professional theater groups, companies and casts with a trajectory of at least five years.

With the mission of strengthening the Dominican theatrical movement, the VIII Fenate-RD 2024 seeks to promote the dissemination and exchange of theatrical proposals, professional development and innovation in local dramaturgy.

Convocatoria Para VII Festival Nacional De TeatroThe call, which is open from May 24 to July 14, 2024, will give preference to works that stand out for their artistic and technical quality.

Interested companies must submit a digital folder with all the required documentation, including a synopsis of the production, technical requirements and a historical review of the collective. In addition, a letter of copyright authorization and evidence of previous presentations are requested.

The plays must have been premiered by March 2024 and must not have participated in previous editions of the festival. Proposals for theater for children and young people will be accepted, as well as theater for adults in various modalities.

This biannual event is a unique opportunity for Dominican theater artists and cultural managers to showcase their creativity and contribute to the cultural enrichment of the country.

Selection Process

A selection committee composed of three experts in the theatrical field will evaluate the different proposals, prioritizing those that demonstrate artistic quality, innovation and technical resolution. No member of the committee may be part of the works presented.

The selected companies will receive an economic contribution of between RD 150,000 and RD 250,000 for two presentations. The Ministry of Culture will assign the spaces and provide the technical equipment available for each venue, while other additional requirements will be the responsibility of the producers or directors.

Proposals must be sent with the required documentation to the festival office. For more information, interested parties may contact the institutional mail [email protected] or by calling extensions 3054, 3056 or 3057 of the Ministry of Culture.

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