Fluid rocker by Nick Trincia

A modern rocker

The rocker is one of the most relaxing chairs that exist, since it offers the possibility to swing and to rock. Unfortunately, the design of these is often old fashioned and it’s difficult to integrate it in a modern house.

We can to say that of the “Fluid Rocker” concept, imagined by Nick Tricia, and winner of the “RELAX” contest of Yanko Design.

This creation is molded in one single piece of fiberglass, and has fluid curves and a very ergonomic form. The felt covers the inside part and the base of the Fluid Rocker, and provides softness and comfort.

Its ultra modern look, dark grey on the internal part, and with bright glossed colors on the outside, ensures the grandma in the rocking chair prototyped image is definitely erased.
A beautiful alliance between relaxation, comfort and avant-gardist design.

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