Works Of French Painter And Sculptor Michel Bizet

When art meets architecture

Today we live in a society where different disciplines meet, combine themselves, in order to respond to the desire of perfection and of vanguard expressed by the most exigent clients.

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Since the apparition of Bauhaus, an Institute of arts and professions created by Walter Gropius in 1919 in Weimar, Germany, famous men like Paul Klee, Vassily Kandinsky and Ludvig Mies Van der Rohe revolutionized the relation between art and architecture, creating an unique alliance.

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This combination between art and architecture enables to respond to the exigencies of the actual real estate clients.

In effect, to be architect doesn’t only means to build edifices but also to bring them to life, to transform them in attracting, welcoming and nice places. What a better option then that work with art that knows so well how to evoke and produce emotions, sources of life ?

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As a nice example of this union, the French painter and sculptor Michel Bizet offered his talent to decorate villas and Towers. The Towers Veiramar I and II in Santo Domingo have 2 Michel Bizet work of art: a sculpture Less Is More and a mural Infinito.

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With these abstracts representations located inside and outside of villas and apartments, Michel Bizet offers a welcoming and intriguing, warm and resting spectacle.

This abstract painting, besides intimate sensations, has an interest in communicating and interact with others, and intends to transmit a content, said Marianne de Tolentino when describing Michel Bizet works.

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A very nice alliance, which emphasizes the talent of architects and painters which works is so well complemented.

If you want to decorate your rooms, hotels halls and parks with the works of Michel Bizet, visit his website :, or contact him at the following address: moc.tezib-lehcim@tcatnoc.

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