The board of directors of the Association for the Development of Punta Rucia (ADEPUR) and the mayor of the municipality of Estero Hondo, Edwin Espinal, agreed to work together to continue promoting the development of this tourist area.
For this reason, Juan Bautista Bisonó highlighted the initiatives they have promoted and the short and medium term projects they have, to seek solutions to the problems that affect the tourist development of Punta Rucia and the Ensenada.
Bisonó indicated that they are making arrangements for the Minister of Tourism, David Collado, to visit the area and to be able to show him the proposals they have to promote the sector.
Likewise, the installation of a detachment of the Tourist Police to watch over the security of the national and international tourists is being processed and that they are also following up on the works carried out by the government.
In this sense, Mayor Espinal, thanked ADEPUR for the invitation and assured that he will support the initiatives which go in favor of the development of the demarcation.
He said that the poverty in the community contrasts with the resources generated there, so he said that it is necessary to create opportunities for growth.
Know More: Destinations, Development