AES expands Dominican Republic’s renewable projects portfolio

The Dominican Republic’s energy commission, CNE, granted AES Dominicana Renewable Energy a provisional concession for the 100MWn (127MWp) Mirasol solar project.

The park will be built in the municipality of San Antonio de Guerra, in Santo Domingo province.

AES submitted the application in May and now has 18 months to conduct additional studies in order to receive a definitive concession.

An inauguration ceremony was held this year to mark the start of operations of the generator’s first renewable energy project in the Caribbean country: the 50MW Bayasol solar complex.

And AES recently signed a definitive concession agreement with CNE for the 50MW Santanasol solar project and a financing agreement with Scotiabank for this plant.

Meanwhile, CNE recommended to the Executive Power to grant Tropigás Dominicana a definitive concession for the 43MWn (50.32MWp) Martí photovoltaic project.

The energy authority also authorized Leipziger Institut für Energie to carry out solar resource studies for the Cotoperí I, II and III Cotoperí Solar PV projects. Each would have 48MWn and 54.24MWp.

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