“The cabins are currently being used as free zones for crime”, under this argument the congressman Jose Henriquez submitted a bill to regulate the use of motels or cabins.
In view of the crime wave affecting the country, the congressman focused on the use that is given to the cabins and submitted a bill through which he seeks the identification of the people who want to use these spaces.
In his legislative piece he establishes that the persons who make use of these centers will have to present an identity card or passport to enter.
The bill seeks to regulate the use of motels and cabins in the Dominican Republic so that every person who wants to go to these centers will have to present their identification. We do this in order to contribute against delinquency. It is not possible that in our country the cabins and motels are used to rape children, to traffic drugs, to kidnap people and for criminals to hide”, expressed the representative of Santo Domingo East.
The bill also indicates that in case of failure to present an identification, the lodge may be sanctioned with a three-month closing and a fine of 50 minimum wages.
What the bill does not say is anything about the confidentiality and use of the IDs offered by potential clients.
“This is supposed to be a State, a society that should promote good coexistence and family life. The State is supposed to promote values such as fidelity and this should be an objective to be promoted by the Dominican State”, commented Henriquez.
The bill has the support of at least 20 legislators of the Lower House.