Isidro Torres, director of the Community Technology Centers (CTC), formally inaugurated a digital room and a library at the Sabana Perdida station of the Santo Domingo Cable Car (T3), which, he said, will have an impact on young people and adolescents who will no longer be socially excluded and who will be able to enter the workforce with the technological knowledge they have acquired.
Torres said that with this modern digital room that “we inaugurated in this cable car station, our CTC reiterates its support to the policy of bringing information and communication technology to all corners and sectors of Dominican society”.
He said that this project is part of the continuation of the policy of social transformation and the 20-30 digital agenda promoted by President Luis Abinader, whose main objective is to transform the Dominican Republic, so that young people are trained in the area of technology and consequently in the labor market, and thus eliminate exclusion.
He assured that one of the objectives of this digital room is above all to continue reducing the digital gap, “this CTC that opens here today, I must inform you in advance that the young people of the area have already been interested in the curriculum that we offer and the quotas are full and we have been forced to open new quotas for more interested young people”.
The director of the CTCs urged the young people of Santo Domingo North to take advantage of this space, as well as those of the Compumetros which are in various stations of the Santo Domingo Metro, to receive their training, thus fulfilling the vision of President Luis Abinader to ensure that information and communication technologies become a strategic tool for sustainable and inclusive development for Dominican society.
Betty Gerónimo, congresswoman and president of the Pasos Foundation, expressed herself in the same terms, highlighting the importance of this digital room, which, together with the Cultural Center, the School of Arts and the painting area, will allow young people and children from the neighborhoods of Santo Domingo Norte to receive the necessary education to become better professionals in the future.
Geronimo highlighted the extensive work carried out by the Community Technology Centers, under the direction of its director Isidro Torres, contributing to the closing of the digital gap and the development of technological and cultural skills, which seeks to promote the social appropriation of ICTs.
Milagros Paradas, mayor of Santo Domingo, expressed her gratitude for the launching of the digital room, while highlighting the commitment of the director of the CTCs with the development of technology and the closing of the digital gap throughout the country.
The inauguration ceremony was attended by Milagros Paradas, mayor of the governor’s office, engineer Juan Herrera, director of cable car operations, PromeseCal’s deputy director, Carlos Padilla, the deputy director of the CTCs, Elvin Remigio, and councilman José Manuel López.