Edesur together with Ansordo graduates 51 more employees in sign language

Edesur Dominicana graduated another 51 employees from a basic and intermediate sign language course, endorsed by the National Association of the Deaf (Ansordo).

The ceremony was led by the general manager of Edesur, Milton Morrison, who stressed that “the company is synonymous with inclusion, zero discrimination and customer service, and every day efforts are made to improve services and that all customers feel understood and valued”.

“We are working to give adequate attention to the customer, in the way they need it; Edesur promotes inclusive communication, at the service of others,” he said.

Meanwhile, the president of Ansordo, Pablo Taveras, thanked the commitment and dedication of Edesur and its general manager who, he said, has become an ally for the hearing impaired.

This is the second graduation in sign language carried out by Edesur, as part of its social responsibility actions, developed through the Communication Department.

The first group of graduates at the basic level consisted of 25 employees in 2022.

With this initiative, Edesur seeks to contribute to the accessibility of people with hearing disabilities to basic services, such as electricity, by reducing communication barriers for deaf people in the Dominican Republic.

Of the 51 employees who met the training requirements, 35 are at the basic level, while 16 are at the intermediate level.

The course was given by educator Lisbeth Felix and interpreter Tomas Suero through 10 sessions at various levels, covering the introductory part and nine classes of didactic content, developed by the National Association of the Deaf (Ansordo).

Source: presidencia.gov.do

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