Government presents Transportation and Logistics project to businessmen of Haina Industrial District

The Government, through the National Institute for Technical and Vocational Training (INFOTEP), presented to businessmen of Haina the Project for the Modernization and Updating of the Technical and Vocational Training Offer, which includes the establishment of an innovative Logistics and Transportation Center in that municipality.

The objective is to implement an innovative offer in the area of Transportation and Logistics, based on the criteria of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), through a modern training and certification center in the sector, with a gender focus and aligned to the challenges of environmental sustainability.

This project is being carried out with the support of a technical mission from the French Development Agency and the AFTRAL Group (Apprenticeship and Training in Transport and Logistics), which has already been in the country conducting studies and surveys for the start of the work, which has a budget of approximately twelve million euros (€12,000,000.00).

“The French delegation of the AFD-AFTRAL is very enthusiastic, we have already received the visit of the financial mission and in April we will receive the mission of the architects, who will design the most complete complex for these purposes with simulators, augmented reality, metaverse and other innovative tools,” said Santos Badía.

The project also involves the redesign of the land communication routes by Obras Públicas and the construction of new housing by the Ministry of the Presidency.

“This project goes hand in hand with the construction of 1,300 apartments and if the four-lane avenue is also built to connect with the 6 de noviembre highway, the environment and the visual appearance of Haina will change,” said the INFOTEP director.

Association of Industries and Companies of Haina
The president of the Association of Industries and Companies of Haina, Napoleón Rodríguez, valued the initiative announced by Professor Rafael Santos Badía, in which the Ministry of the Presidency and the Ministry of Public Works also participate.

“As the Industrial District that we are, we feel rejoiced and impressed by this great project that gathers in itself our concerns; we see that step by step we are reaching the goal, to see a change in our industrial zone and the whole sector of Haina”, indicated Rodriguez.

Vice Minister of the Presidency
José Ramón Holguín Brito, vice minister of the presidency, said that he accompanies INFOTEP in this project in which President Luis Abinader is very committed, because of the importance it represents for the country.

“This project will transform the Dominican Republic, it will change the lives of the residents of Haina, so from this industrial municipality we will be in a position to look to the future, from the present,” he said.

The Transportation and Logistics Project
The project contemplates the training of 1,800 young people in vulnerable situations in the qualifications of Transportation and Logistics. For these purposes, the adequacy, remodeling and equipping of the Logistics and Transportation Center located in the municipality of Haina, as well as the implementation of the profiles of the National Qualifications Catalog (CNC) in this professional family, the updating of teachers and the validation and certification of the competencies in these profiles are foreseen.

The activity was also attended by the director of Promipyme, Porfirio Peralta, Riccardo Seravalle, from the Itabo Industrial Park (PIISA), Juan Tomás Díaz, from AEI-HAINA and Rudy Abreu, from Flexo Pack, among others.

Also present were Jason Dell’Aquila, INFOTEP’s National Infrastructure Coordinator and Onéximo Antonio González, specialist in Planning and Transportation.

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