Minister of Education launches plan to strengthen junior high school education

The Minister of Education, Ángel Hernández, set up a special commission to carry out a detailed analysis of the achievements reached in the results of the PISA 2022 international test, in order to continue making positive progress.

He informed that the commission will also be in charge of studying the competencies foreseen in the curriculum of the grades attended by children from 13 to 15 years old and to establish a plan for the strengthening of the First Cycle of Secondary School, based on the competencies to be evaluated by PISA 2025, a test sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

The Minister explained that this plan will be implemented during the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year and for the 2024-2025 period, focusing on the areas evaluated by PISA: mathematics, reading comprehension and science, as well as special subjects, English and the use of communication technologies in learning.

The commission in charge of carrying out this work is made up of Vice Ministers Ancell Scheker, of Technical and Pedagogical Services, who coordinates it, and Oscar Amargós, of Supervision and Quality Control of Education, as well as Francisco Ramírez, executive director of the Teacher Training and Education Institute (Inafocam), and Nurys González, rector of the Salome Ureña Higher Institute of Teacher Training (Isfodosu). (Isfodosu).

Also part of the team are Carmen Caraballo, executive director of the Instituto de Evaluación e Investigación de la Calidad Educativa (Ideice); Leónidas Germán, general director of Curriculum of the Minerd; Yanile Valenzuela, director of Quality Evaluation, and Susana Michel, general director of Secondary Education.

Hernández affirmed that the implementation of this strategy will allow laying the foundations to achieve a better performance in the results of the international evaluation, in 2025.

“This plan will also include, the training of teachers in the areas that are the object of the evaluation and the provision of learning resources to the educational centers. Also, we will work with the family as a key actor in the learning process of children and adolescents,” he said.

The minister also said that the plan contemplates the integration and preparation of school principals to focus their operational plans on the need to strengthen the learning experience in the First Cycle of Secondary Education, which is a priority to achieve better results, not only thinking about PISA, but also about the quality of education at this level in general.

“As a positive experience, we have the Program with Base, which is implemented in the first grades of primary school to strengthen literacy and mathematics, whose results to date are more than encouraging,” said Hernandez.


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