Observers Commission supports the continuity of the Teaching Contest

The Commission of Observers of the National Teacher Competitive Examination 2021 carried out by the Ministry of Education of the Dominican Republic (MINERD) pronounced itself in favor of the continuity of the process for the selection of new teachers to fill vacant positions in the Pre-university Education System.

The Commission, integrated by organizations and personalities of the Civil Society, institutions related to education and headed by the Ministry of Public Administration (MAP), held an extensive work session during which the following consensuses were reached:

1. To recognize the competitive examination as the institutional, legal and transparent way for the entry of education professionals to the teaching career.

2. To support the continuity of the competitive examination process governed by Departmental Order 06-2021.

3. To seek sustainable solutions to the problem of the low promotion rate registered at the beginning of the Primary Level tests.

4. To give a waiting period to analyze the baseline that fixes the minimum promotion percentage, preserving the quality and rigor of the tests.

5. To welcome the decision of the MINERD to procure the services of an external company to audit the process of the contest.

Among the organizations present at the working session were the Ministry of Public Administration (MAP), Rafael Santos, from INFOTEP; Cecilio Rodríguez, from INABIE; Radhamés Mejía, from IDEC; Laura Abreu, from IDEC; Sol Disla, from ANJE, María Elena Cruz, from ADON, Cleiden Veras, from UNIBE; Feliciano Lacen, from CODUE.

The event was attended by the Minister of Education, Roberto Fulcar, and MINERD officials, who attentively shared the Commission’s recommendations.

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