Sancocho in a box, a typical Dominican dish arrives in Japan

The typical dish is present throughout the Japanese territory as a product marketed through the web and in the supermarkets of the Seiyu chain in the most important cities.

The Dominican Republic is known worldwide for being one of the most culturally rich countries, which attracts the attention of millions of people around the world.

One of the biggest attractions of the half-island is its gastronomic diversity. Typical Dominican food has dishes that catch the tourist’s palate, making him want to repeat.

The famous “Sancocho”, one of the emblematic dishes of the Dominican table, is prepared in Dominican kitchens. This typical food has crossed borders and even continents. Proof of this is that the popular broth is already on the Japanese market.

It is a project that began in December 2021 with the company Matsubara Shokuhin, but was launched on July 20, 2022, explained the Dominican ambassador to Japan, Robert Takata, in a conversation with LISTÍN DIARIO.

According to the diplomat, the intention is to promote the Dominican image, a strategy that has been part of his objective since he assumed the role of ambassador in the Asian country.

“From that intention comes the idea of working with various institutions on projects that would allow us to develop and make available to the public a type of versatile product, but loaded with history and culture for Dominicans and that, apart from those elements, could go down well with the Japanese palate,” said Takata.

Ingredients, preparation and packaging

The case of the ingredients of the dish has been one of the most controversial to create the product, according to Takata, and the main reason is because there are ingredients that are used in the Dominican Republic to prepare the sancocho that do not exist in Japan, and others that, even when they exist, are not compatible with the Japanese palate or would make the product more expensive.

The preparation is easy and simple. The dish comes already prepared in a bag that preserves it in optimal conditions for a year without refrigeration.

It has Japanese technology contained in a presentation that allows it to be kept in an optimal state for human consumption without the need for refrigeration, and that can be heated at the moment of consumption in a microwave or, in case of disasters and power failure, placed directly inside the package in a container with hot water.

The manufacture of this packaging and these elements would allow this food, in addition to being able to be consumed normally, to be used in extreme cases of hardship or disaster.

The cost of the product is about six and a half dollars.

One aspect that attracts attention to the Dominican sancocho in Japan is its packaging. The current presentation is personal, with a weight of 200 grams per box.

The graphic presentation of the packaging consists of cultural elements of the Dominican Republic. It presents images of the dish itself, as well as the main ingredients, and on the other side, a narrative about the meaning it has for Dominicans and its history.

Japanese react positively

Among the statements offered by the diplomat, he added that the reactions have been positive.

“There are cities, as in the case of Kita Hisroshima, where small tasting activities have been held in an iconic restaurant in the city,” said Takata.

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