Abinader inaugurates basic and multi-purpose school in La Vega

This Saturday, President Luis Abinader carried out several activities in La Vega, including inaugurations and visits, in order to continue with the development of this province and contribute to the promotion of its families.

With the works inaugurated by President Abinader, the president seeks to contribute to the development of La Vega and the growth of its inhabitants, so that their lifestyle continues to change.

Works in progress in La Vega

The head of state, while speaking during his stay in La Vega, informed that the government is working on important works for this province, such as the municipal market, the extension of the Morillo King Hospital, while announcing the delivery, in a month, of 2,000 property titles in María Auxiliadora and informing that work is being done on the Guaigüí dam and the Duarte highway.

He also added that work is being done on the civic cultural center of the municipality, the athletics and cycling track, and that the road to Restauración, in Jarabacoa, is being followed up.

Among the inaugurations made by the president this Saturday were the Escuela Básica Profesora Elena Mejia Amézquita, the multipurpose Parque Hostos, and a visit to the Feria Multisectorial Expo-Vega Real 2024 and the Biovega Laboratories.

Professor Elena Mejía Amézquita Elementary School

President Luis Abinader inaugurated this Saturday the Escuela Básica Profesora Elena Mejía Amézquita, which has 27 classrooms and will benefit 945 students.

The school has a kitchen, dining room, mixed court, bathrooms, stairs, administrative area and library, among other areas.

Expo-Vega Real 2024 Multisectoral Fair

Another of the activities carried out by the head of state was a visit to the Expo-Vega Real 2024 Multisectorial Fair, which is being held from August 1 to 4 and has as its slogan “Taking your business to the next level”.

There, the president stressed that the fair reflects the entrepreneurial and productive character of La Vega, a crucial province for the economy of the Cibao and the country.

He highlighted the value of the region’s agricultural and industrial industries and indicated that he meets with executives to identify opportunities and challenges, reaffirming his commitment to support the growth of La Vega’s fundamental, entrepreneurial and progressive sectors.

Multipurpose Club Parque Hostos

At noon, the president inaugurated the multipurpose Club Parque Hostos, which is part of President Abinader’s commitment to provide adequate spaces for sports practice in the municipality of Concepción, La Vega.

The work will benefit more than 25 sectors and some 79,937 children and young people of both sexes, ages 5-24.

President orders apartment for 68 year old lady

During this act, President Abinader ordered the delivery of an apartment to Mrs. Modesta Milagros Salcedo (La Beba), 68 years old.

Biovega Laboratory of Micropropagation of Plants in Vitro

Afterwards, the president visited the Biovega in vitro plant micropropagation laboratory.

During the visit, the president was able to observe the technological and scientific advances in plant production.

This laboratory is strategic for the development and production of high quality and genetic seedlings.

The seedlings produced in this laboratory generate between 20% and 35% more production.

More than 18 products are produced, including plantain, cassava, Brazil nut, potato and pineapple, among others. This development makes it possible to obtain much healthier and more productive seedlings, free of all pests.

Accompanying the president in the activities were the Minister of Agriculture, Limber Cruz; the Minister of Education, Ángel Hernández; the director of Inespre, Iván Hernández; the general administrator of Banco Agrícola, Fernando Durán; the president of ExpoVega 2024, Hugo Concepción; the senator of La Vega, Rogelio Genao; the mayor of La Vega, Kelvin Cruz, and the president of the Presidential Commission for Provincial Development, Ángel de la Cruz, among others.


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