Abinader inaugurates Landina Basic School in Los Alcarrizos

“For many years we longed for this moment, facing different limitations, such as the lack of drinking water, decent bathrooms, green areas, library, assembly hall, lighted classrooms…. Even so, we did not lose hope”.

This is how the minor student, surnamed Cabrera, a third grader at the Landina Basic School in Los Alcarrizos, addressed the crowd. President Luis Abinader was present during the inauguration of this school this Saturday at 11:30 am.

The Vice Minister of Education, Francisco Germán D’Oleo, and the school’s principal, Ana Rosa Jiménez, also participated in the ceremony. Both had a few words for those present on this day of celebration for local education.

The school principal was the first to speak. She thanked President Luis Abinader for his presence and explained the importance of the inauguration of the school.

“I want to thank these community members, who for 11 years fought, skin to skin, hand in hand, so that today this is a reality,” she said.

In addition, he explained the conditions in which the teachers worked and the children studied before the reform. “People would say to him, ‘We’re getting wet, it’s raining, when are we going to get out of here,’ and I would say, ‘have faith,'” Jiménez explained, hinting at the difficult conditions they were exposed to for years.

“We did not lose hope”.

After the principal’s words, a third grade student, surnamed Cabrera, climbed the stage and addressed the audience, with President Abinader a few meters away.

“In times of rain we would look up at the sky and wait to see it blue and clear, because it was raining inside and pouring outside. Thanks to God and the determination of our president Luis Abinader,” said the student, who was applauded by all in attendance.

Parents, a task

On the other hand, the Vice Minister of Education highlighted the President’s work in education. “Two schools are delivered today by the President of the Republic. This Basic School bears the name of a great educator of the Dominican Republic, who dedicated his life to education”, commented D’Oleo.

He also called on parents to get involved in their children’s education. “You parents have to make a commitment with your own children, to make this school a learning center,” he concluded.

Abinader, the inauguration

Once the principal, the student and the member of the government had spoken, Abinader went to the school’s recreation area for the photo by cutting the inauguration ribbon, together with the children.

In this way, surrounded by students dressed in the school uniform, Abinader brought to a close the inauguration of the Landina Basic School, which had been in need of renovation for more than a decade.


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