Adocco applauds constitutional reform proposal

Julio César de la Rosa said that, in view of this, “we, as an institution, support this proposal for constitutional reform because it will respond to what has been a demand of the Dominican society, which is the unification of elections”.

The president of the Dominican Alliance Against Corruption (ADOCCO), Julio César de la Rosa, greeted and expressed his full identification with the proposal of constitutional reform made by President Luis Abinader, considering that the points raised obey a public clamor and come to solve several “misunderstandings”, such as the holding of separate elections and the excessive number of deputies that the country has.

Consulted by journalists, De la Rosa said that, in view of this, “we, as an institution, support this proposal of constitutional reform because it will respond to what has been a demand of the Dominican society, which is the unification of the elections”.

He pointed out that there have been no significant achievements in separating the presidential elections from the municipal elections, holding both processes in the same year and only three months apart, which entails an unnecessary expense.

He assured that the logistics that can be set up for the municipal elections can be perfectly the same as the general and congressional elections “and for this reason we welcome this initiative”.

He said that the reduction of the Chamber of Deputies has also been a clamor of a large part of society.

He pointed out that compared to other nations that demographically have a greater number of citizens, the Dominican Republic has many more deputies, which currently total 190.

He said that he is in favor of defining the legislative representation taking into consideration that each province has a provincial representative who is the senator, and two representatives in the Chamber of Deputies, one rural and the other urban “and that, based on the level of the province, the number of deputies can be increased, but never more than 5 deputies”, he said.

“I don’t think anyone is going to oppose this reform because I don’t think there is a Dominican in the country who doesn’t want the elections to be unified, as well as to reduce the number of deputies. And not to mention the appointment of the Attorney General of the Republic, by a body of the legal capacity of the National Council of the Magistracy and, above all, to put an end to this threat of modification of the Constitution for presidential repostulation beyond what the Constitution itself establishes,” he said.

a historic event

The president of Adocco described as a historical fact that a president would divest himself of a prerogative such as the designation of the Attorney General of the Republic and that from now on he would hand it over to a body such as the National Council of the Magistracy.

He considered that, in addition, it gives greater independence and strength to the Public Ministry the fact that it is specified in the Constitution that the attorney general may not be removed until the end of the period for which he was appointed, and that this may be presented only and exclusively when he has incurred in faults that could lead to an impeachment trial.

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