CNFC to present new regulations at public hearing

During the twenty-third quarterly meeting of the National Trade Facilitation Committee (CNFC), the Directorate General of Customs (DGA) announced that it will present, at a public hearing, the new CNFC regulations.

“These regulations are designed to strengthen our internal policies and improve our external relations. Furthermore, we are convinced that this update will allow us to move forward with greater strength and transparency in our activities,” said DGA Deputy Director Lucía Zorilla, representing Customs Director General Eduardo Sanz Lovatón.

Zorilla went on to say that, “together with the CNFC secretariat and the other members of the public and private sectors, we have managed to position ourselves as a model to follow among the National Facilitation Committees in the region.”

Continued commitment to the president’s vision

He also noted that the CNFC and its actions reflect the continued commitment to the vision of the President of the Republic, Luis Abinader, to consolidate the country as a logistics hub in the region and as a major player in strengthening the national economy.

CNFC Nuevo Reglamento En Audiencia PúblicaIn her opening remarks at the event, Laura del Castillo, technical director of the National Competitiveness Council, explained that through the Zero Bureaucracy program, led by the Presidency of the Republic, “great transformations have been achieved, improving 29 positions in the Corruption Perception Index and Transparency International. Advancing from 98th to 67th place, between 2020 and 2023 in the global institutional pillar of innovation.”

“The General Directorate of Customs has been the first institution to present advances for the efficiency of procedures and services in public administration with the 24 Hour Dispatch.”

“These improvements are reflected in the Customs indicator of the World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index (LPI), which measures the efficiency of Customs clearance and border management. From 2018 to 2023 we improved 29 positions in the ranking, moving from position 103 to 74 among 160 countries,” del Castillo noted.

During the ceremony, the different CNFC working groups that have excelled in meeting their schedule and goals were recognized: HUB, Trasa, VUCE, risk, laboratory, cold chain and perishables, extended hours, joint inspection and air competitiveness.

About the CNFC

The purpose of the CNFC is to facilitate internal coordination and implementation of the provisions of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement, as well as to serve as a permanent table for dialogue to address issues related to trade facilitation and logistics.

The Trade Facilitation Committee is made up of the main government ministries and institutions: Agriculture; Industry Commerce and Mypimes; Foreign Affairs; Defense; Public Health; Export and Investment Center of the Dominican Republic (CEI-RD); National Competitiveness Council (CNC); and the National Council of Free Zones (CNZF), as well as the main business sector groups, among these the AIRD, CONEP and AMCHARD), in a public-private alliance.

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