Comptroller’s Office makes available results of the ICI system

The Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR) posted on its website the rating of 50 public sector institutions, evaluated through the Internal Control Index (ICI), an innovative system that brings significant improvements to the process of transparency and accountability in the collection, use and investment of public resources.

The Comptroller General of the Republic, Felix Santana Garcia, urged the institutions to explore the ICI System as a key tool to strengthen transparency and effectiveness in public management, as instructed by the President of the Republic, Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona.

The ICI System is a comprehensive platform designed to evaluate and monitor the level of compliance of internal control in the institutions under the legal scope of the Comptroller’s Office, and groups fundamental aspects for the correct administration of public resources and the fulfillment of institutional objectives.

ICI is available for public consultation on the official web portal of the Comptroller’s Office, to explore the details of the index, evaluation criteria and other related resources.

The published results correspond to the first quarter of this year 2024, and for the second quarter it is expected to increase the number of institutions in which the aforementioned controls have been implemented.

The Internal Control Index (ICI) not only reveals the documentation of internal control, as the Basic Internal Control Standards (Nobaci) do, but also reveals the implementation of control and the more administrative and operational side of how institutions comply with the controls.

The ICI comprises three main indicators: the design and documentation of standards, the effectiveness of internal control and monitoring and evaluation; these, in turn, have 17 sub-indicators, the first and most weighted being the Nobaci, with 12 points.

At present, the Comptroller’s Office, through the Directorate of Regulatory Development, has implemented the ICI in 125 institutions, out of the 197 that already operate under the Nobaci controls. The evaluation is carried out after the entity has two months with the ICI system.

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