Conape presents the book “History of Dominican Asylums”.

The executive director of the Consejo Nacional de la Persona Envejeciente (Conape) and the Minister of Public Health (MSP) presented the book “Historia de los Asilos Dominicanos”, with the purpose of providing data, stories and contents of interest about these shelters that are so needed and benefit the elderly population in the physical, social and emotional aspects.

Dr. José García Ramírez, director of Conape, and Dr. Víctor Atallah, Minister of Health, emphasized that the change in the policy of care and services enjoyed by the elderly is part of the motivation for the publication of this book, which fills a gap in the Dominican bibliography on this subject.

The book is a testimonial work that seeks to fill a gap in the country’s bibliography on the subject of homes for the elderly. The work was conceived based on the stories of those who are the main actors and protagonists of the administration, collaboration and care. They are stories with great social and emotional value, focused on the expectations and support of special beings in the twilight of life.

“Historia de los Asilos Dominicanos” represents a call for openness and awareness about the reality of older adults and their rights, which touches us all in some way and at some point in our lives.

During his participation, Atallah highlighted “the initiative of Conape, under the direction of Dr. José García Ramírez, which has highlighted the history of nursing homes in our country. Initially, the care of the elderly fell to extended families. However, demographic and socioeconomic changes in the Dominican Republic demonstrated the need for specialized institutions”.

He added that, “Historia de los Asilos Dominicanos”, in addition to narrating the history of the country’s nursing homes, invites Dominican society “to build a more compassionate and supportive future for the aging population. May each page be a reminder of our ability to care for and protect our elders, ensuring that their last years are lived with dignity and respect”.

Likewise, Dr. Garcia Ramirez emphasized the role played for more than 100 years by nuns and other members of the Catholic Church in the care of the elderly, who have been pioneers in the creation of these nursing homes.

“That is why we have taken this initiative to highlight the stories of these institutions that are so important for the gratitude and merit of our elderly, who constitute the historical memory of our Dominican nation,” said the official.

Nursing homes were established for the first time in the Dominican Republic, in San Pedro de Macorís, 112 years ago, always taking into account the physically and mentally dependent elderly, who require basic care for their well-being.

It was mainly religious congregations, non-profit associations, service clubs and prominent citizens from different social spheres, who founded the asylums in the country, which is why Dominican society undoubtedly owes a debt of gratitude to these citizens and institutions, especially to the nuns of the Catholic Church, who have been caring for the elderly throughout the national territory for more than a hundred years.

The book is a testimony of faith, gratitude and recognition to all those who with their efforts and generosity have contributed to the foundation and development of nursing homes, and at the same time aims to make visible the human rights of the elderly and promote a dignified life, without deprivation and with full enjoyment of their constitutional rights.

Conape, with this work, aspires that the Dominican family conceives nursing homes as a place to grow old with dignity, not to be forgotten, as well as that the community provides more and better care for the elderly.

He reaffirms the decision of the State to assume more and more its commitment with the elderly, through Conape, the official organism in charge of public policies for this segment of the population.

In this sense, he highlights as a priority the Caring Communities Program of the government of President Luis Abinader, in defense of the fundamental rights of the elderly.

In addition to Dr. Garcia Ramirez and Dr. Atallah, Sister Trinidad Ayala, from the Health Pastoral of the Catholic Church, representing Francisco Ozoria, Metropolitan Archbishop of Santo Domingo; the director of the Pedro Henriquez Ureña National Library; Rafael Peralta Romero, who received the book from the Minister of Public Health, to be placed in the library, and Milagros Ortiz Bosch, Director General of Ethics and Government Integrity, led the launching of the book.

“Historia de los Asilos Dominicanos” was an initiative of the executive director of Conape, Dr. José García Ramírez; coordinated by Mrs. Rhina Ibert; design and layout by Josías Rodríguez, and photographs by Deivy Ferreras and Ramón López, who together with a team of professionals and collaborators of the institution made this great contribution to Dominican culture possible.

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