CONASAC considers extending E-Ticket to private flight passengers

Civilian and military authorities that make up the National Civil Aviation Security Committee (Conasac), held the seventeenth ordinary meeting, in which the request to extend the scope of the E-Ticket system to passengers on private flights was heard.

The request was presented by the National Department of Investigations (DNI), a member of the organization, and contemplates the application of the E-Ticket to persons visiting the Dominican Republic on private flights on airlines which, for some reason, do not have the capacity to send their passenger lists.

The meeting was chaired by the Minister of Defense, Lieutenant General Carlos Luciano Díaz Morfa, ERD, who as president of Conasac, said that “the meetings seek to continue strengthening civil aviation in the Dominican Republic and contribute to the guidelines of transparency required by international organizations”.

Conasac is the inter-institutional collegiate body of the State, which brings together the entities involved in the civil aviation sector, whose purpose is to address issues of safety and facilitation in aviation in the country.

In the first ordinary session of this year 2023, Conasac modified one regulation and inserted two (2) new regulations to the National Civil Aviation Security Program (PNSAC), on security controls for people and objects embarked on aircraft.

During the work meeting, updated statistics were also presented on the pilot plan for secondary inspection of checked baggage without the presence of passengers at the international airports of the Americas Dr. José Francisco Peña Gómez (AILA) and Gregorio Luperón (AIGL).

At the meeting, it was also proposed to continue expanding the measure implemented by the Joaquin Balaguer International Airport with the use of electric scooters for CESAC personnel, who supervise the platforms and hangars, in order to make their work more efficient.

The assembly was held at the facilities of the Specialized Airport and Civil Aviation Security Corps (CESAC) of the Ministry of Defense, hosted by its director, Brigadier General Floreal Suarez Martinez, FARD, and members of the Intelligence Directorate of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the MIDE, of the Dominican Republic Air Force (FARD); representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Police, National Drug Control Directorate, National Intelligence Department, Dominican Civil Aviation Institute, Civil Aviation Board, Airport Department, General Directorate of Migration, General Directorate of Customs, General Directorate of Passports, Dominican Postal Institute, as well as representatives of the country’s private airport administrators and the Dominican Republic Airline Association.


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