Contest challenges school students

More than 7,000 young people, including Dominicans, registered their ideas in Samsung’s Solve for Tomorrow 2022 contest.

A contest by Samsung Electronics challenges public school students from nine countries in Central and South America and the Caribbean on how to apply science and technology to benefit their communities.

Until June 10, students had the opportunity to enter their ideas in Samsung Electronics’ Solve for Tomorrow contest, which seeks to reward and promote the most innovative idea that relies on STEM to solve a given problem.

More than 7,000 young people between 9th and 12th grade in Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Venezuela, will be participating in the 2022 edition of Solve for Tomorrow with around 2,200 ideas registered on the platform

This is the highest number of participants in the contest since its inception in 2014. All participants must now wait for the evaluation committee to determine the originality, feasibility and relevance of the proposals to choose the solutions that will move on to the next round.

“We are pleased to see how each year the participation of young people in this Samsung contest increases, which tells us that there is a growing interest in science and technology and how these can help improve the environment and our daily lives,” said Maria Fernanda Hernandez, manager of Corporate Citizenship at Samsung Central America and the Caribbean.

Teaching to think and create

With this contest, Samsung wants to play an active and significant role in promoting interest and competence in the so-called STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

The contest seeks to foster thinkers, creators and innovators, and at the same time to foster the creation of a skilled workforce that actively participates in the direction of the modern world.

Once the 10 best ideas per country have been selected, the teams move on to the next phase of mentoring and training in Design Thinking, which will provide the teams with the tools to shape their ideas, design a strategic plan and generate prototypes.

The contest seeks to foster thinkers, creators and innovators, while at the same time fostering the creation of a skilled workforce that actively participates in the direction of the modern world.

Solve for Tomorrow is a Samsung program at a global level, and since 2014 it has been executed in Latin America. Since then, more than 244 thousand students and 35 thousand teachers have participated in the contest.

In 2021 a total of 900 proposals were registered, more than 2,800 students participated from Central America and the Caribbean.

This year, thanks to a fresh strategy that is closer to the students, a better reach was achieved, which motivated more than 7,000 students and around 1,000 teachers to participate in the 2022 edition of Solve for Tomorrow.

For the joint execution with ministries of education and educational institutions, Samsung has the participation of the Glasswing International Foundation, an allied NGO that has accompanied the company in the contest since its inception.

A Solve For Tomorrow 2022 Regional Champion will be chosen from the finalist teams of the participating countries.

Both the finalist winners per country and the members of the regional champion team and their respective teams will receive prizes in Samsung products and trips to the awards ceremony.

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