David Collado: Continuing to strengthen connectivity is the country’s main challenge.
These statements were made by Collado during the 34th edition of the Asonahores 2022 Trade Expo.
The Minister of Tourism, David Collado, informed that continuing to strengthen connectivity is the main challenge facing the country and that the vision of the Government and the Tourism Cabinet, is to support the open skies agreement with the United States of North America.
“We will continue to promote the issue of connectivity with the United States and we strongly support the statements of the American Embassy of open skies,” said the Minister of Tourism.
These statements were offered by Collado, in the framework of the 34th edition of the Asonahores 2022 Trade Expo, where more than 176 companies from the entire commercial chain are participating, which takes place from October 19 to 21, at Blue Mall Punta Cana, which is dedicated to the United States, for being the main issuer of tourists to Quisqueya.
The official highlighted that the ForwardKeys platform, which measures all the airports and airlines of the world, has just published that the Dominican Republic is in the number one place, for the last four-month period of the year, in terms of tourist arrivals, with more 40%.
“Our numbers are amazing and what we have to do is to continue to take care of tourism in the Dominican Republic, to continue to make an alliance with the private sector as we have been doing,” said Collado.
The official said that with this version of Expo Asonahores there is good expectation, because in it you can see everything that represents tourism, the entire commercial chain, from food, technology, construction, among others.
“Here is reflected in this trade fair, the strength and importance that tourism has in the country’s economy that represents 15% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which for this year we are averaging more than 8,200 million dollars in foreign exchange inflows, this makes the exchange rate stability is maintained, and this clearly reflects that the tourism sector is fully recovered in the Dominican Republic,” he added.
David Collado said that this exhibition is a record, with more than 176 companies, which clearly reflects that the recovery of tourism is a reality in the Dominican Republic, and that this is an effort of all, because “the Dominican Republic has it all”.
The president of ASONAHORES, Rafael Blanco Tejera, expressed that: “The contribution and evolution of the tourism industry in the Dominican economy are part of the most important transformations of the productive apparatus, by presenting a multiplying effect between the different demands of goods and services that it generates.
The secretary general of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Zurab Pololikashvili, congratulated Minister David Collado for the great work he is developing, while indicating that what is happening in the Dominican Republic are very dynamic and positive numbers for the work that has been done and the result of this, the country is on the board of directors and next year the UNWTO will receive here, the most important tourism ministers in the world.
“In the next 3 or 4 years from the WTO we will talk about the Dominican Republic and three important things: Sustainable development, Innovation and education, where many projects and Investments will be made,” Pololikashvili pointed out.
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