David Collado ratified at Mitur

David Collado will remain at the head of the Ministry of Tourism for at least two more years. Upon being sworn in to assume his second term in office, President Luis Abinader ratified several ministers, among them Collado.

The head of Mitur is highly valued and supported by the tourism sector and the country’s banking sector. (Collado will remain at the head of Mitur for two more years).

Collado indicated that the Dominican Republic expects to reach 11.5 million visitors this year. “As expressed by the President of the Republic the country is on a steady pace towards 11.5 million visitors, we have had the best month of January, February, March, April, May, June and July in the history of tourism, January to July, 6 million 968 thousand, that is, almost seven million in seven months, the projections we have is to exceed 11. 5 million visitors, as expressed by the president in the year 2023 more than 30% of the economic growth of the Dominican Republic was on the shoulders of tourism, more than 9 billion dollars in foreign currency entered our country as a product of tourism,” said Collado as reported by the local press.


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