Director of Intrant values citizen participation in Urban Mobility Forum

In order to socialize with actors of the civil society and to identify actions for the improvement of traffic and road safety, the National Institute of Transit and Land Transportation (Intrant), as the governing body in this matter, participated in the Urban Mobility Forum, proposed by Listín Diario.

During the opening of the forum, the Minister of the Presidency, Joel Santos, valued the initiative of Listín Diario and expressed that “the importance of this meeting is in the proposal of ideas which can be converted into actions to be executed in the short term and which can be added to the measures which we as Government execute”.

“From the Government we assume the commitment to analyze and deepen the proposals that will emerge from this forum, so that we can bring solutions with the help of all the sectors present here”, emphasized Santos, while explaining that transportation is a transversal axis for the development of the country.

On his side, the interim executive director of Intrant, pilot colonel Randolfo Rijo, ERD, said that “with this valuable initiative of the Listín Diario, we agree in this space to approach such an important topic as sustainable mobility, making known what we are doing from Intrant and listening to the representations of the institutions, universities and the civil society”.

Rijo informed that Intrant is working with a robust methodology from the framework of Law 63-17, providing answers to specific mobility and road safety issues, such as the implementation of the Safe Intersections program, the Restricted Access Zone (ZAR), for the regulation of cargo, the Parquéate Bien program, as well as the development of the Integrated Transportation System.

Also, the head of Intrant recalled that the Government has launched the School Transportation Program (TRAE), which seeks not only to offer transportation services to students, but also to guarantee their safety when being transported to and from educational centers.

Likewise, Ranfolfo Rijo affirmed that “the support of President Luis Abinader has marked a significant milestone in the response to the challenges in the areas of transit, transportation, mobility and road safety.

Miguel Fiallo, rector of the Universidad Pedro Henríquez Ureña (Unphu), said that “since our founding as a university, we have stood out as a space for discussion of the most important urban planning initiatives in the country, so today we strengthen our commitment to the development of mobility”.

Meanwhile, the rector of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (Intec), Julio Sánchez Maríñez said that “from the university we work in the formation of excellence and seek to provide solutions for the benefit of the quality of life of all”.

During the event, held at the Mirex convention center, a panel was formed with experts in mobility and urban development, who presented the research and projects being carried out with the purpose of improving mobility in Greater Santo Domingo, as the nucleus of greatest vehicular concentration.

In addition to the panel, six working groups were established to analyze the topics “Traffic and Transportation”, “Enforcement and Compliance”, “Education and Road Safety”, “Technology”, “Sustainable Urban Planning” and “Accessibility, Equity and Citizen Participation”.

At the end of the forum, a multi-sectoral liaison was established to address and continue the topic for the benefit of citizens and urban development.


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