Dominicans will learn of their rights in Upper Manhattan

During the event Knowing My Rights this Saturday

Hermanas Mirabal Cultural and Community Center of New York announced its 5th Tenants Convention with the topic Knowing My Rights, slated for next Saturday at public school PS-128, on 169 St. and Broadway Upper Manhattan, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Luis Manuel Tejada, the director of the center said the event is open to all members of the community who need to learn to defend themselves against abuses, for which they’ll host workshops in regulated and reasonably priced housing for the poor; rights to a public and quality education and immigrants’ rights.

Other topics to be discussed will be labor, environmental and economic rights and justice against police brutality, with Dominican panelists

Tejada said the event will feature specialists in each of the areas and representatives from several New York State agencies and such as the Human Rights Division and the New York City District Attorney, and members of the movement Occupy Wall $street, among other organizations.

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