DR approves aviation law to maintain category one

The Chamber of Deputies passed into law the bill that modifies the previous legislation on civil aviation in the country, previously approved by the Senate, and that will be passed to the Executive for its enactment or veto.

Said law aims to update the current international framework on civil aviation, regarding the use of drones in the national airspace, air operators, air navigation, aeronautical meteorology, aerodrome operators, training programs for flight instructors, among other aspects, said the hemicycle in a statement.

Study of the approval of the initiative

The approval of the initiative, which was studied by a special commission, had the motivation and the favorable vote of different party benches, which agreed that it was necessary to provide the country with a legislation that complies with the requirements made by international organizations, which will allow the Dominican Republic to Camara De Diputados Aprueba Ley De AviaciĆ³n Civilkeep the category one in civil aviation.

In this sense, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Alfredo Pacheco, before submitting the initiative to the consideration of the plenary, expressed the willingness of the deputies for the bill to be approved.

The president of the special commission that studied the initiative, Deputy Napoleon Lopez Rodriguez, while rendering the report, said that the International Civil Aviation Board urged the Dominican Republic to update in the area, because otherwise the country could lose category one, and not allow its aircraft to fly to U.S. territory.

It indicated that the latter, the international organization, 45 days ago urged the country to carry out the update, which has been achieved 12 days before the deadline.

To this end, the work of the Chamber of Deputies will continue on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.


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