DR to host the 46th Meeting of the ILO/Cinterfor Technical Committee, with the participation of more than 27 countries

The Ministry of Labor and the National Institute for Technical Vocational Training (INFOTEP) announced the holding of the 46th Meeting of the ILO/Cinterfor Technical Committee (RCT) in the Dominican Republic, with the participation of representatives from 60 vocational training institutions from more than 27 countries.

This transcendental activity to be held in Punta Cana from October 4 to 6, with the Ministry of Labor representing the headquarters and INFOTEP as the host institution, will focus on the approach to vocational training as the axis of economic and social development of the participating countries.

The meeting is one of the most important events in the field of technical vocational training in Latin America and the Caribbean, bringing together specialists, professionals, representatives of institutions specialized in training and development of human talent, ILO/Cinterfor members, representatives of employers and workers, as well as governments, together with Ministries of Education and Labor.

The 46th ILO/Cinterfor RCT coincides with the institution’s 60th anniversary year. In these six decades, the agency has played a key role in strengthening vocational training in the region and in promoting policies and practices that foster human development and decent employment among the members of its network of institutions.

INFOTEP’s Director General, Rafael Santos Badía, said that from October 4-6, the Dominican Republic will be the world capital of technical vocational training and it is expected that the Technical Commission Meeting will produce specific guidelines on the jobs of the future and the future of employment, as we are on the threshold of the development of a fourth revolution.

“Here will be born the line in which the professional technical institutes will move from the coming months and years; so the country is very excited because we can bring a strategy to the world,” Santos Badía said.

Anne Caroline Posthuma, Director of ILO/Cinterfor, emphasized that this meeting is expected to be a specialized and tripartite international event, with spaces for fluid, dynamic and open exchange and with the updating of the conceptual and strategic framework necessary to address vocational training.

He said that knowledge is also expected about innovations, new practices and lessons learned that can be used to improve institutional practices, as well as an agreement to validate Cinterfor’s work plan for the next biennium.

“We have a strong and historical relationship with INFOTEP, including Cinterfor has contributed technically to its creation. We are very grateful for the great event they are organizing, which will receive so many people from the world of labor and professional training in the Dominican Republic”, said Posthuma.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Labor, Luis Miguel de Camps, spoke about the impact, importance and scope of the 46th Meeting of the ILO/Cinterfor Technical Committee (RCT) for the region, and particularly for the Dominican Republic.

Regarding INFOTEP’s role in the training of human talent, he explained that skills training is increasingly important so that Dominican workers can have a workforce with the knowledge that regional and world markets demand, thus contributing to economic growth and above all to human development.

“It is important to make it known that the challenges of the gap in the skills demanded by the labor market and the skills produced by the training systems are not exclusive to the Dominican Republic, because national markets are global,” said De Camps.

The Agenda

The meeting’s agenda includes panels, presentations and discussions on key issues in vocational training, including adaptation to technological changes, inclusion of vulnerable groups, promotion of employability and entrepreneurship, lifelong learning, social dialogue and dual training.

The event is expected to be attended by the Director General of the International Labor Organization (ILO), Gilbert F. Houngbo, and government authorities of the country.

ILO is the only tripartite agency of the United Nations (UN). It brings together governments, employers and workers from 187 member states and aims to set labor standards, formulate policies and develop programs promoting decent work for women and men.

In 1963, the ILO created the Inter-American Center for Knowledge Development in Vocational Training (Cinterfor), a technical service that responds to the needs of individuals, enterprises and countries in vocational training and human resource development. It also coordinates a knowledge management network of institutions and organizations related to these issues.

INFOTEP, as the leading institution for vocational technical training in the country, is a member of this knowledge management network. Together they establish mechanisms and policies to promote quality work in the Dominican Republic.

Cinterfor actively collaborates in the permanent updating of the knowledge management platform available to the vocational training world.

The member entities of ILO/Cinterfor correspond to the countries of Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Bahamas, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cape Verde, Ecuador, Spain, Guatemala, Honduras, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Paraguay, Suriname, El Salvador, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and Dominican Republic.

Source: presidencia.gov.do

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