Government delivers RD$6 million to FIAIS

The Administrative Minister of the Presidency (interim), Igor Rodríguez Durán, delivered today the delivery of funds for RD 6 million pesos, destined to the non-profit organization Fundación Integral Autismo e Inclusión Social (Fiais), as part of the support provided by the Government of President Luis Abinader to these institutions.

Igor Rodríguez expressed President Abinader’s intention to provide all the support needed by children with the autism spectrum condition, so that they can attend their therapies and receive all the support through this extraordinary budget, which represents the first 6 months of the funds they will receive each month.

“We congratulate the work done by a group of men and women in favor of the little ones in this institution. They can count on the accompaniment of this Government. The objective is to guarantee that the children take their therapies in this center and this will allow them to achieve their development,” said Igor.

The president of the Fundación Integral Autismo e Inclusión Social (Fiais), Alda Puello, thanked, on behalf of the community, the response received from President Luis Abinader, Minister Igor Rodríguez and other authorities of the province, who have always shown their interest in collaborating with the cause: “We are the face that represents hundreds of families who need help, we thank President Abinader and all the authorities who have become empathetic to this cause, we have built a model of inclusion for the province, and we wish that other sectors can be integrated”, he expressed.

The vice-president of Fiais, Pedro Ruiz de la Rosa, also thanked for the contribution made and took the opportunity to introduce his son, who also has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), to express his deep appreciation for the efforts made for the development of these children and pledged to make the best use of the funds received.

Present at the event, were the governor, Pura Casilla; Mayor Nelson de la Rosa; congressman and senator-elect Gustavo Lara Salazar; the Vice Minister of Relations with the Civil Society of the Presidency, Benny Metz, journalist Virgilio Feliz Mejia, among other personalities.

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Dominican Republic Live Editor

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