GUIA-RD, which brings together representatives of automotive dealerships, is created
The launching of the United Group of the Automotive Industry of the Dominican Republic (GUIA-RD) took place at a cocktail party with the representatives of the most important automotive dealerships in the country, together with officials, executives and media of the automotive industry.
GUIA-RD will seek to study, analyze and manage legislation related to the automotive industry in the Dominican Republic, making proposals as appropriate, in order to place the country at the forefront of global technical regulations of the industry, environmental protection and user safety.
At the event, which took place in the Grand Ballroom of the Sheraton Hotel, the executive director of the new business entity Grupo Unido de la Industria Automotriz de la República Dominicana (GUIA-RD), Wendy Capellán, highlighted that the automotive sector occupied first place among the 10 productive lines with the greatest revenue impact on the General Customs Directorate (DGA) in 2021, with contributions amounting to 25,880 million pesos, which represented 13.48% of the revenues of this official institution.
Speaking at the presentation of the new business association, Capellán said that the automotive sector as a whole contributed last year to the General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII) the sum of 18,179.2 million pesos, “an amount that is sufficient to cover the executed budget of nine ministries”.
The executive director of GUIA-RD mentioned among these ministries, those of Economy, Tourism, Energy and Mines, Youth, Culture, Women, Labor, Sports and Recreation, and Public Administration.
Aware of the contribution provided in the number of direct and indirect jobs, to the treasury in terms of tax collection, our entity is called to ensure the promotion of a climate of fair competition among all actors that converge in this branch of economic activity, and that the legislation and provisions that regulate us can be reviewed.
Wendy Capellan. Executive Director GUIA-RD
She said that “due to the importance of this branch in our economy, we will be conducting studies and preparing periodic statistical reports that explain the behavior of this sector, in order to promote initiatives that contribute to its dynamism, transparency and equity in the fulfillment of the obligations of the economic actors involved, as well as to improve and optimize tax collections”.
He emphasized that the new entity he directs, GUIA-RD, will promote the regulations to make electric mobility massive, which will facilitate compliance with the commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, aware that the Dominican Republic is a country highly dependent on tourism, and is ranked 11th as one of the nations most vulnerable to climate change, according to the Global Climate Risk Index.
Companies that comprise it
The companies that comprise it are: Santo Domingo Motors, Grupo Viamar, Magna Motors, Magna Seguros, Eco Motors and Equimax, representing the brands: BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Ford, Forland, Hyundai, Infiniti, JAC, KIA, King Long, Lincoln, Mazda, Mini, Nissan, Shineray, Suzuki, UD Truck, Bajaj, Kawasaki, Yamaha, among others.
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