The Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (Mepyd) published the Sectoral Panorama report on the evolution of economic activity in the agricultural, industrial and service sectors, which indicated that as of July 2021, the number of workers registered in the Dominican Social Security System rose to 2,067,240, which translates into the incorporation of more than 209 thousand formal workers in the last 12 months.
According to the document, these results place in 92.1 % the number of workers reintegrated to the system with respect to the total withdrawn in the months of April and May 2020 as a result of the pandemic.
The report detailed, in territorial terms, the absolute variation in the number of formal workers by province in the first seven months of the year, where the variation in the number of formal workers per 10 thousand inhabitants shows that the generation of employment is concentrated in La Altagracia (621), the National District (542) and Santiago (318). In contrast, the greatest job losses are found in Elías Piña (-143), Sánchez Ramírez (-109) and Duarte (-97).
Regarding moonlighting, so far this year (December 2020 to July 2021), the economic sectors that showed the greatest growth in the number of workers with more than one job were education, energy and water, and financial intermediation and insurance, said the Sectoral Panorama July 2021 report.
Referring to commerce, the report specified that total deflated sales in this activity registered an increase of RD$14.0 billion when compared to July 2020, which is equivalent to an inter-annual increase of 11.6%.
As for agriculture and livestock, in July 2021, the volume of production of agricultural goods recorded a year-on-year increase of 1.5%, a behavior in which the incidence of the production of milkweed (5.9%), pineapple (4.5%), watermelon (6.3%), coconut (3.2%) and rice (4.3%) stand out.
Panorama Sectorial also recorded that, in July 2021, total exports of the free trade zone regime stood at US$625.0 million, which is equivalent to a growth of 13.8 % with respect to the same month of the previous year.
In addition, it states that the index of direct costs of housing construction (ICDV) registered in July an inter-annual increase of 18.2% and an accumulated variation of 12.8%.
The report detailed that the credit portfolio in real terms directed to the construction sector stood at RD$68.8 billion (inter-annual increase of 2.0 %), of which 79.9 % was in local currency. During the month of July, loans to the sector increased by 1.2% with respect to June 2021.
In the tourism sector, the arrival of non-resident foreigners reached 412,190 tourists at the end of July 2021. The report highlighted that the country received 79,142 (23.8 %) additional non-resident foreigners compared to the flow registered in the previous month.
The monthly Sectoral Panorama report also covers the industrial, manufacturing, mining and quarrying, and transportation sectors.