Indrhi defines National Hydrological Plan

The National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (Indrhi) stated that it is working on the conformation of a National Hydrological Plan, which it catalogued as crucial for the efficient and sustainable management of water, since the document defines strategies for the equitable distribution, prevention of contamination and responsible and sustainable use of water resources.

Juan Francisco Saldaña, director of Planning for Institutional Development of the Indrhi, gave details of the preparation of the document during the First Congress on Water Security and Water Governance coordinated by the water agency, together with the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) and other entities of the water sector.

Saldaña, who served as a panelist, explained that the instrument facilitates long-term planning, promoting water security, adaptation to climate change and sustainable development in all regions of the country. He also stated that the preparation of the Hydrological Plan entails the collection of updated data.

Raul Perez, director of Planning and Water Development of Indrhi, participated in the session on the challenges facing the country in terms of water security, pointing out that the efficient and equitable management of water is crucial and that the country faces great challenges in this regard, despite having significant water resources. “Problems such as contamination and inadequate use require urgent measures; the focus on sustainable practices and conservation policies is fundamental to guarantee water security in the long term,” said Raúl Pérez.

He further stated that water security is essential for our well-being. “We must ensure sustainable water management, promote resource conservation and build resilient infrastructure. By protecting our water sources, we ensure a secure and prosperous future for generations to come.”

The event was held on Thursday and Friday at the Pucmm auditorium. The Minister of the Presidency, Joel Santos, who attended on behalf of President Luis Abinader, spoke about the urgent water solutions, stressing that “the government alone cannot have the responsibility. It has the leadership, but society in general must be empowered and integrated through awareness,” he said.

This first Congress on Water Security and Water Governance sought to learn about the current state of water management at the national level and to deepen in measures that guarantee water security.

The event was also attended by the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Miguel Ceara Hatton; the rector of the PUCMM, Reverend Secilio Espinal; Johnny Jiménez, deputy director of Indrhi; Rafael Salazar, administrator of the Dominican Hydroelectric Generation Company (EGEHID); Silvio Carrasco, director of the Water Unit of the Pucmm; Rosa Urania Abreu, professor of the Master’s Degree in Sustainable Water Management.

Among the international experts who spoke were María Donoso, director of the UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Water Security at Florida International University; Miguel Solanes, consultant on Water Legislation in Ibero-American countries; Javier Zuleta, World Bank consultant; Carmen Rodríguez, specialist in Project Management with Social Impact, from Colombia; and Antonio Embid, professor of administrative law at the University of Zaragoza.


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