Intrant and Japan Cooperation Agency sign agreement

As part of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the bilateral relationship between the Dominican Republic and Japan, the National Institute of Transit and Land Transportation (Intrant), and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), signed a cooperation agreement for the implementation of the Project for the Development of Transit Management Capacities in Greater Santo Domingo.

The signature was signed at the Intrant headquarters between the JICA representative, Sakaguchi Kota, and the new director of Intrant, Milton Morrison, with the presence of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development as signatory witness, in the person of the vice minister Olaya Dotel, and the Japanese ambassador in the Dominican Republic, Takagi Masahiro.

The main objective of the project is to improve the quality and strengthen the management of urban traffic in Greater Santo Domingo, considering environmental and social aspects, including the inclusion of people with disabilities, and the development of road safety with universal accessibility.

It contemplates transforming the transportation system of Greater Santo Domingo through modernization and automation, which is expected to alleviate traffic congestion, reduce travel times and thus improve the quality of life of users.

After thanking the Japanese delegation in the country, engineer Milton Morrison highlighted the importance of signing the first agreement for the development of urban transportation in the country.

“Signing this agreement and being the first in our administration, fills me with great emotion and makes me feel that we are starting off on the right foot”.

Meanwhile, the representative of the International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Sakaguchi Kota, valued as innovative the initiative that seeks to improve the urban transportation service in the country, with universal access for people with disabilities.

Meanwhile, the Vice Minister of International Cooperation, Olaya Dotel, affirmed that the project represents a crucial advance in the modernization and automation of the transportation system.

This project will lay the foundations for a prosperous future for future generations in terms of sustainable transportation.

It will cover Greater Santo Domingo, that is, the National District, Santo Domingo East, Santo Domingo West, Santo Domingo North, and Los Alcarrizos.

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Dominican Republic Live Editor

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