Leaders value DR’s progress in civil aviation during the Summit

Authorities and leaders from 23 countries gathered at the Latin American and Caribbean Transport Association (ALTA) Summit expressed their satisfaction with the progress made by the Dominican Republic in terms of operational safety and the growth of its aviation fleet.

This was revealed by the general director of the Dominican Civil Aviation Institute (IDAC), Héctor Porcella, during the second day of ALTA’s Safety, Flight Operations and Training Summit, a meeting that brings together the main aviation authorities and professionals working in the development of the highest levels of air safety and operational standards in the region.

Porcella received the positive appraisals of the authorities present, after sharing with his Latin American colleagues the achievements registered by the Dominican aviation industry, with the incorporation of three new national airlines and the multiplication by more than 4 times the number of seats for passenger transportation, as well as the endorsement it has received in terms of operational safety in recent evaluations.

He said that the extraordinary strengthening of civil aviation has been a key factor in the remarkable growth of tourist arrivals by air, which allowed the country to reach, in less than three years and despite the impact of the pandemic and other external factors, the figure of 10 million visitors and become the second most visited tourist destination in Latin America.

In addition to the official program of the Safety, Flight Operations and Training Summit, Porcella held meetings with several of his colleagues from the region and with the main Latin American authorities present, headed by Jaime Binder, secretary of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (CLAC); Fabio Rabbani, regional director for South America of ICAO; and José Ricardo Botelho, executive director and CEO of ALTA.

The Lima summit will bring together safety, flight operations and pilot training professionals from different sectors of the industry. They will meet to discuss current and relevant issues in these areas. Likewise, representatives from airlines, manufacturers, civil aviation authorities, airports, air traffic control organizations, flight schools, associations, training centers, as well as other sectors of aviation.


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