L’élargissement du kilomètre 9 de l’autoroute Duarte progresse.

The situation at kilometer 9 of the Duarte highway is a combination of expansion work, bus routes traveling inland and the hawkers, who are still waiting for Obras Públicas to relocate them to continue working.

In a CDN tour of the area, the hawkers and guagüeros refused to give any details, but said off camera that they hope that an agreement will be reached that will benefit both the drivers and the passengers who used to take these routes to go to their provinces.

As far as the widening is concerned, work continues at full steam, in spite of the heavy traffic that persists at the interchange. The person in charge of the work, as reported to CDN, was not present at the time, and the workers refused to give a statement.

Support for the project to widen kilometer 9 of the Duarte Highway

Transporters, merchants and citizens in general, value as positive the plan to widen kilometer 9 of the Duarte highway, considering that the project will help to improve traffic.

Kiosks installed in public spaces, bus and car stations were removed. This is part of the plan to widen the highway from 8 to 14 lanes. Even merchants operating in the area support the initiative, although they do not know where they will be relocated.

The resulting traffic congestion is the main argument in favor of the expansion. The work has a cost of 900 million and is expected to be completed in 10 months.


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Dominican Republic Live Editor

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