MAP trains 1,655 representatives of 347 municipalities

With the participation of 1,655 representatives of 347 local governments, the Ministry of Public Administration (MAP) closed this Friday the training on Monitored Regulations in the Municipal Administration Monitoring System (Sismap Municipal).

At the closing ceremony of this training, the Minister of Public Administration, Sigmund Freund, emphasized that the municipalities, their authorities and all the human team involved in their execution, are key pieces to achieve a modern State, based on good administration practices, with a focus on a public service that satisfies the expectations of the citizens and that achieves a neat and efficient management of resources.

The MAP Minister pointed out the importance that mayors, directors of municipal boards and their technical teams, know the set of legal norms that affect municipal management and which are supervised through the Sismap Municipal, pointing out that “nobody applies and respects the rules that they do not know, do not understand and with which they do not establish a serious commitment”.

The official said that, since the beginning of President Luis Abinader’s administration, the words ethics and transparency are priority axes of a government administration practice, coherent and daily, which accurately defines the political commitment to promote a modern State, with efficient and transparent institutions, which allow us to achieve the dream of having a better country.

With the closing of the training cycle, the Ministry of Public Administration (MAP) and the 11 governing entities of Sismap Municipal, seek to contribute to the development of the capacities of the technical teams of the municipalities, promote transparency, institutional strengthening and the achievement of objectives, through the fulfillment of the indicators monitored in the system.

The event was attended by the secretary general of the Dominican Municipal League (LMD), Victor D’Aza; the executive director of the Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU), Laura Reyes; the president of the Dominican Federation of Municipal Districts (FEDODIM), Lioncito José Sencilie, and the vice-minister of Institutional Performance Evaluation of the MAP, Hadeline Matos.

About the training

During the event, the representatives of the local governments received various trainings on regulations related to Human Resources Management, Law No. 41-08 and its regulations, Planning and Programming for Development and Territorial Ordering, Budget and Finance Management, Purchasing and Contracting, Transparency in Municipal Management and Access to Public Information, Quality of Expenditure, Participatory Budgeting, Sworn Statements of Assets, Sismap Services and Improvement in the integral management of solid waste.

The topics were presented by technicians specialized in the regulations monitored in Sismap Municipal and representatives of the system’s governing bodies, who throughout the month of July went to the different regions of the country to provide technical assistance to public servants of local governments, to continue implementing transparency and improving the quality of the services they offer to citizens.

The training is the result of inter-institutional collaboration between 11 governing entities of the system: the Ministry of Public Administration (MAP), the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (Mepyd) in its Vice Ministry of Land Management and Regional Development (VIOTDR), the General Directorate of Budget (Digepres), the General Directorate of Public Contracting (DGCP), the General Directorate of Ethics and Government Integrity (Digeig), the Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR), the Chamber of Accounts of the Dominican Republic (CC), the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP), the Dominican Municipal League (LMD), the Dominican Federation of Municipalities (Fedomu) and the Dominican Federation of Municipal Districts (Fedodim).

About Sismap Municipal

The Sismap Municipal is a Public Administration Monitoring System, aimed at measuring the levels of development of municipal management, in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and quality of compliance with regulatory and procedural frameworks that affect municipal management, through a series of basic indicators and sub-indicators derived from these.

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