Mescyt celebrates 46th anniversary

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (Mescyt) commemorated its forty-sixth anniversary with a mass of thanksgiving and a floral offering, as the governing body of the university and higher technical education system that is committed to the progress and wellbeing of the Dominican people.

The commemorative events began at the Catedral Primada de América, with a mass officiated by Monsignor Francisco Ozoria, followed by a floral offering at the Altar of the Homeland with the participation of the institution’s collaborators, rectors, presidents of university associations, as well as special guests.

In his speech, the Minister of Mescyt, Dr. Franklin García Fermín, explained that this institution is based on the work of its six vice ministries and the decisions of the National Council of Higher Education, Science and Technology (Conescyt), to promote the quality of higher education, along with the development of innovation and scientific and technological research.

“Today, August 13, we rejoice that, on a date like this, but in 1978, this state institution that governs the operation of education at the highest level in the Dominican Republic was founded,” he said.

He also indicated that education is a fundamental pillar in the construction of Dominican society, keeping alive the legacy of the fathers of the fatherland in each educational center and in each teacher who strives to share knowledge.

“Education is the engine that drives the economic, social and cultural development of our country, in the classrooms of our universities are formed the professionals who will lead the future; today we reaffirm our commitment to accessible and quality education,” he concluded.

Mescyt, an institution full of history

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology was born in 1978 as the National Council of Higher Education (Cones) and in 2001 was transformed into the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (Seescyt) by Law 139-01.

In 2010, by virtue of the Magna Carta voted in that year, that Secretariat of State was transformed into the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, so that it was renamed from Seescyt to become Mescyt.

In compliance with its attributions, the entity oversees the execution of the provisions of Law 139-01 and the policies emanating from the Executive Branch, as well as the supervision of the system as a whole.

Present were, Vice Ministers, José A. Cancel; Carmen Evarista Matías; Juan Francisco Viloria; Genaro Rodríguez Martínez; Paula Disla and María López Polanco; Cabinet Director, Juan F. Medina; UASD Vice Rector of Extension, Rosalía Sosa, and President of Efemérides Patrias, Juan Pablo Uribe; along with the presidents of university associations, as well as rectors and other authorities.

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