Puerto Plata expects 22 cruise ships with thousands of visitors in August

Puerto Plata expects for the month of August 22 cruise ships with thousands of visitors

The calendar of cruises August 2020 that was released by the Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic (Mitur), informs that in the current month thousands of tourists will arrive in 22 cruises to Puerto Plata.

This itinerary explains that from the 3rd to the 26th of that month, 15 cruise ships will dock at the Amber Cove terminal. While 7 transatlantic ships of various cruise lines will arrive at the port of Taino Bay.

Tourism experts assure that the Dominican Republic belongs to the small group of countries that show a rapid recovery of tourism in 2022 after the pandemic of covid-19.

In such virtue, they ponder that as of October, Puerto Plata will double the arrival of cruise ships with thousands of passengers coming from North America (United States and Canada) and several European countries.

With the arrival of these cruise ships during the month of August, Puerto Plata continues to maintain the hegemony of this tourist industry in the whole country with 416 thousand visitors.

In spite of the low tourism season, luxury ships with thousands of cruise passengers arrive every week at the modern terminals Amber Cove (Maimón) and Taíno Bay (San Felipe de Puerto Plata).

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