Renewable energy needs state funding

According to American Chamber of Commerce

Investment in renewable energy in Dominican Republic would reduce costs, create jobs, reduce dependence on fossil fuels and diversify energy sources, but despite the island’s envious climatic conditions, aren’t entirely exploited.

American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAMDR) Energy Committee president Rafael Velazco, who made the statement Wednesday in the 2nd Clean Energy Business Forum held at the Hotel Jaragua yesterday, said as a tropical country, Dominican Republic’s renewable energy potential could improve its social and economic future in the medium and long term.

“We have two virtues, which is sun and wind and also the topic of biomass. I know of important steps taken already, but definitely either in the medium or long term, renewable energy will have to have an important place in the country’s energy generation. We haven’t as much oil or water as we’d like, but we have much sun, wind and biomass”, he said.

He said the authorities and the private sector have shown their intent and progress in the clean energy field, but notes that what’s most important is for the State to foster the necessary support through funding.

“The authorities and private sector have the intention to do so and doing their best to achieve it. In the case of the authorities we are receiving support and have somehow broke ground with Law 57-05, but the important thing for us is that the state fosters the support need to develop renewable energy, especially by providing funding”.

Dominican Republic Live, from DT, 18.07.13, 4.40pm

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