Sargassum cleanup operations are underway

Minister of Tourism says sargassum cleanup operations are underway

Sargasso will be one of the topics to be discussed during a World Tourism Organization seminar to be held this Tuesday in Punta Cana, which brings the Secretary General of the Organization to the country.

In recent months the country’s beaches have been affected by sargasso, which has forced the authorities to implement different measures to combat the amount that arrives at this time of the year throughout the region.

Sargasso will be one of the topics to be discussed during a World Tourism Organization seminar to be held thisLimpieza del Sargazo en Marcha Tuesday in Punta Cana, which brings the Secretary General of the Organization to the country.

The Minister of Tourism, David Collado, said that sargasso is a reality and we in the country are not standing idly by, we are carrying out clean-up operations.

As part of the actions carried out by the Dominican Republic to keep the beaches free of sargassum, in the coming months through the Ministry of Tourism, several machines will be integrated into the cleaning day.

“This week the Ministry will deliver 10 trucks and tractors that are environmentally friendly,” said the official.

In making a call to join efforts and seek a joint solution that will benefit the countries of the region impacted by the situation, Dominican tourism authorities assured that for the moment this is not affecting reservations.

“The most important thing is that the Dominican Republic had the best four-month period in history with 3.7 million tourists. The important thing is that the projections indicate that we will have 9.8 and 9.9 million by the end of 2023”, added David Collado.

Meanwhile, according to the Ministry of Tourism, in the month of April, the country received 862,705 visitors by air and sea, which constitutes a new record in tourist arrivals.


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