Tourism delivers works for RD$100 million in Las Terrenas

He says that the works will have a direct impact on the development of tourism in Samaná and on the living conditions of its residents.

The Minister of Tourism, David Collado, inaugurated three important works in this province and started work on a new project, with a total investment of more than RD$133 million.

The interventions carried out were the construction of road infrastructures, second stage, in the area of La Granja and Cosón, as well as, the reconstruction of the accesses of Ramal Viva and Ramal Los Nómadas, Playa Cosón, second stage in Las Terrenas and the reconstruction of the access road to Playa Estillero, in the Municipality of El Limón.

Turismo Obras Por 100Millones Las Terrenas Con David Collado Y Pedro Catrain These works were executed for a total amount of RD$120,277,900.

In addition to putting these three works into operation, Minister Collado gave the first kick to the reconstruction works of the pedestrian walkway in the coastal area of the municipality of Las Terrenas, whose investment will be RD$13,352,565.

Minister Collado said that all these works are part of the government’s effort to continue positioning Samaná as a tourist destination in the Dominican Republic.

“In addition, all these works have a direct impact on the residents of the different places intervened. Because we believe in a human tourism, that reaches the people”, said Minister Collado.


Reconstruction of the access road to Estillero beach, municipality of El Limón, at an investment cost of RD$47,624,942.24.

The project consisted in the reconstruction of the two-lane road of 2.50 meters each that connects Estillero Beach with the road to Las Terrenas, in a length of 2.45 kilometers; divided into 4 road axes towards the beach.

Also, the construction of a 1.00 meter box culvert, concrete triangular ditches and slope to form longitudinal drainage; to ensure the durability of the road to be built.

Repair of existing speed bumps, lighting, cleaning of the road, laying of asphalt concrete, road signs (horizontal and vertical).

Construction of the road infrastructure of Las Terrenas, second stage. The project was carried out with an investment of RD$24,280,237.23.

The project consists of the reconstruction of 3 road axes with a total length of 1.86 kilometers, with a variable width; divided into two zones within the Municipality of Las Terrenas, in the area of La Granja, and Cosón.

The scope includes: recovery of the road structure, placement of asphalt wearing course. Construction of 522 square meters of sidewalks, 1,621 linear meters of concrete curbs for the correct flow of water, as well as horizontal and vertical signaling.

Reconstruction of the accesses of Ramal Viva and Ramal Los Nómadas, Playa Cosón, at a cost of RD$48,372,720.59.

2nd Stage of the project

The 2nd stage of the project consisted of the reconstruction of a road axis that connects one of the most beautiful beaches of Las Terrenas, Playa Cosón, with the tourist boulevard of the Atlantic.

Los Nómadas Branch, a length of 1.20 kilometers with two lanes of circulation for a width of 5.00 meters. In addition, the construction of 600 linear meters of gutters on its sides, to form longitudinal drainage.

Reconstruction of the pedestrian walkway in the Coastal Zone of the Municipality of Las Terrenas, at a cost of RD$13,352,565.52.

The project is a work with an intervention area of 550 square meters of construction. It consists of the reconstruction of a footbridge and pedestrian access; being this a connecting element of the route through the different areas of beaches and tourist attractions in the area.

It contemplates a route of 160.0 linear meters covered in synthetic wood; on a concrete structure of 45.0 linear meters, located on the existing gully. Including a lighting design and 87.71 linear meters of wooden railings.

In addition, construction of a POLITUR booth to provide security to users of the area.

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