Tourism inaugurates community center in Maimon, Pop

He says that the tourism bonanza must have a direct and positive impact on the communities.

The Minister of Tourism, David Collado, inaugurated this Saturday a community center in Maimón, built at a cost of more than 42 million pesos, as part of his effort to strengthen the development of community tourism.

This project consists of the construction of a 1,400 square meter space to house the facilities required to provide a service to the community of the municipality of Maimón, in the tourist province of Puerto Plata.

“We are betting on the diversification of the tourism product and community tourism is part of that. That is why weNuevo Centro Comunitario en Maimón are here,” said Minister Collado.

He affirmed that the economic growth of tourism must be felt in the communities and their people.

“We believe in inclusive tourism. The bonanza of this industry must be felt in the community, impact its people and benefit everyone,” stressed the official, who highlighted the investment that has been made in the area to achieve the rebound that Puerto Plata has been having.

The Administrative Minister of the Presidency, José Ignacio Paliza, highlighted the importance of the work for the residents of the municipal district of Maimón.

“Thanks to the Ministry of Tourism for completing such an important work as this community center,” said Paliza.

The community center was executed by the Executing Committee for Infrastructure in Tourist Zones (CEIZTUR), at a cost of RD$42,493,421.79.

This center has an infrastructure for the town hall, with two levels of 200 square meters each, with a space for the chapter house, union offices, among others that can complete the organization chart of functions of the town hall.

In addition, there are two bathroom modules per level. The same is built with masonry walls, porcelain tile floors and sliding aluminum windows.

Meanwhile, the area for the fire department has two levels of 160 square meters each, with space for 2 fire trucks, office, as well as the necessary areas for the personnel to stay in the facilities, rooms, kitchens, dining room, bathrooms and living room.

Likewise, the district funeral space, has two spaces for chapels of 25 square meters each, and a space for preparation and conservation.


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