WB highlights DR’s Adaptive Social Protection strategy

The World Bank presented this Thursday the regional report that evaluates Adaptive Social Protection (ASP) strategies and actions in Latin America and the Caribbean, an event in which the Dominican Republic stood out as a leader in several aspects, including programs, delivery systems, social registries, as well as institutional and financial agreements.

During the formal opening of the open dialogue on good practices to protect the most vulnerable population, Jaime Saavedra, regional director of Human Development for Latin America and the Caribbean at the World Bank, highlighted that the Dominican Republic is a benchmark for the region in Adaptive Social Protection, with the implementation of Bono de Emergencia and the modernization of the payment system

“Through Supérate, the State of the Dominican Republic has an Adaptive Social Protection strategy that reflects the government’s commitment to the most vulnerable families,” highlighted Saavedra.

Improve yourself as the key to generating opportunities

Meanwhile, Gloria Reyes, general director of Supérate, indicated that the creation and development of focused strategies, of trainings of the various programs offered from Supérate, has been the key to generate new opportunities and welfare to our people. “In addition to the technical support of the World Bank and actors of the Social Protection Network.”

Estrategia De Protección Social Adaptativa RD Destacada Por Banco MundialAlso, said Reyes, during his intervention in the virtual modality, is the articulated work between the government, the private sector and society, another factor that has been fundamental for the country’s progress in terms of Adaptive Social Protection. He also noted that in 2021 the Social Protection System was transformed, formally opening the Supérate Program, which includes various initiatives to combat poverty from a multidimensional approach and promotes the human development of our beneficiaries.

“It was in that year that, due to the passage of Hurricane Fiona, the Emergency Voucher emerged through Presidential Decree 377-21, which allowed the institutionalization of the adaptive social protection response constituting itself as a temporary economic support in emergency contexts.”

Identification of affected homes has been key

In this regard, Jefrey Lizardo, general director of the Single System of Beneficiaries (Siuben), said that the identification of affected households and an updated registry of the vulnerable population has made it easier for the Dominican Government to provide a timely response to households affected by weather-related emergencies.

The application of the Ficha Básica de Emergencia (FIBE) has made it possible to identify in an objective and timely manner the most vulnerable households, which from Siuben implies deploying efforts and resources after the passage of each phenomenon or disaster. “This initiative has improved our ability to effectively collect and categorize information after the crisis,” said Lizardo.

The presentation of the regional Adaptive Social Protection report “Unlocking the adaptive potential of social protection: good practices of adaptive social protection in the Latin America and Caribbean region”, was also attended by Francisco Tisei, co-author of the report, senior specialist in Social Protection at the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR); Malin Ed, co-author of the report, analyst for Latin America at the World Bank, and Giulia Baldi, Social Protection advisor for the UN World Food Program (LAC). In the role of moderator served Colin Andrews, senior PES specialist at the World Bank.


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