In the opinion of the Minister of Labor, Luis Miguel De Camps, in a short time the country will know the progress that has been made to achieve the social pact announced by President Luis Abinader.
“In a short time there will be an opportunity, in a tripartite manner, to make known to the country the steps, advances and the status in which we find ourselves in this regard,” the official specified.
He added that, considering that in the country there are important gaps in labor matters, they have initiated the development of tripartite dialogue in order to find the most viable and feasible solutions in the implementation of important improvements for the benefit of the Dominican society and to have new realities in employment, labor and social security.
De Camps reiterated that in the Dominican Republic there are needs in terms of regulation, employment intermediation and labor management.
“The president made an outline of 12 major transformations, one of which, previously, yesterday the president led an act to start the construction of consensus for the social pact that has to do with the review for possible reforms of the Labor Code and the Social Security Law jointly, because they are two texts, not only that are interrelated, but one has its origin in the other,” the official said.
De Camps made his statements during the signing of an agreement with the executive director of the Export and Investment Center of the Dominican Republic (ProDominicana). There they announced joint actions to stimulate the generation of employment in the country.
Among the actions, they highlighted the coordination table to support the goals of formal employment through investments and exports of goods and services. In addition, the training of the personnel of the two institutions in common topics and the generation of spaces for exporters and investors to participate in the stock exchange and job fairs, as well as having technical accompaniment in labor matters.
“Exports and investments have a preponderant role, both for the economic recovery and to achieve the objective of generating no less than 600,000 formal jobs, as established in the government plan headed by President Luis Abinader,” said the director of ProDominicana, Biviana Riveiro.
On his side, the Minister of Labor said: “our interest is to promote, together with ProDominicana, the continuous strengthening of the capacities of the personnel, as well as of all the companies that offer their services for the development and promotion of national production, supported by the National Development Strategy 2030 which sets as strategic objectives and lines of action, respectively, the promotion of an articulated, innovative economy, with a productive structure, which will generate growth and competitiveness, promoting policies of inclusion, participation, and equity”.
He explained that the greatest challenge in this agreement is to promote, through the National Employment Service, the link between supply and demand of exporting companies.
“This obeys the criterion of converting the Dominican State into a true chain of services to the citizenry where we are simply links in that chain,” said De Camps.
He added that employability implies being able to access and efficiently perform a specific job and its technical requirements. He emphasized that the labor market is not local, but global.
“Not only to have access to that job, but to be able to keep it and to be attentive to learning the new qualifications that the position demands in the organizational and technological framework that operates in today’s world marked by digital transformations,” he said.
He said that as Ministry of Labor the interest is to promote, together with ProDominicana, the joint strengthening of the capacities of the personnel, as well as of all the companies that offer their services facing the development and impulse of the national production, supported by the National Development Strategy, which sets as strategic objectives and line of action, respectively, the promotion of an articulated, innovative economy with a productive structure that will generate growth and competitiveness promoting inclusion, participation and equity policy.
“ProDominicana is probably one of the initial points of contact for new investments and consequently it is the institution that first has knowledge, not only of the plans of potential investors, but also of the needs that such investment will have in the country. Among which will be the human resources needs,” said Minister De Camps.
De Camps assured that less than 5,000 people still remain suspended from their jobs in the tourism sector.
“From the entire Dominican Republic more than 700,000 people have already recovered their jobs in the country and, in addition, more than 80,000 new jobs have been created,” the minister reiterated.