Challenges persist in terms of inequality for women in the Dominican Republic, according to the ISOQuito report, a ranking that measures indicators on social welfare, economic and labor parity, political decision making and women’s physical autonomy, in accordance with the consensus of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
This year, four reports from Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay and the Dominican Republic compile relevant data on the aforementioned indicators.
With regard to the Dominican Republic, the report indicates that progress in economic growth is not reaching vulnerable populations. It also points out persistent failures in the areas of health and protection of sexual and reproductive rights, teenage pregnancy, care, political parity and women’s wages.
The presentation of the compendium of information was in charge of Constanza Moreira, Uruguayan politician; Mariana Fernández Soto, PhD in Population Studies (FCSUdelar); Andrea Delbono, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law and professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of the Republic of Uruguay; Lucy Garrido representative of the AFM, in a meeting organized by Conexión Intercultural por el Bienestar y la Autonomía- La Ceiba and the Articulación Feminista Marcosur (AFM).
According to the figures provided by this report in the country, in 2021, in the index of institutional commitments, the Dominican Republic is located at the bottom of the table (penultimate place, along with Honduras), with a value of 0.33 (the same it has registered since 2007), well below the average for Latin America and the Caribbean (0.55).
The country does not register changes in the three original components of the index:
– Maternity, paternal and parental leave legislation index: it again scores 0.25(regional average:0.35);
– Index of legislation on parliamentary quotas: reiterates the score of 0.75 (regional average: 0.74).
– Abortion legislation index: maintains a value of 0.0 (regional average: 0.43): One of the most restrictive regulations in the world on voluntary interruption of pregnancy. Therefore, it is expected that the Dominican Congress will approve the three grounds for abortion: risk of maternal life, non-viability of the fetus and rape or incest.
The Report is a wake-up call for governments to formulate policies and legislation that can exhaust the pending agenda with women. It proposes a change that will guarantee the right of all women to have a dignified life.
“From the Feminist and Women’s movements it is essential to have statistics that reflect the reality of women, which serves as a roadmap to continue building equality, which translates into significant welfare for all” said Cinthya Velasco, coordinator of La Ceiba and co-host of the event.
The response to the document on behalf of the government was provided by the National Statistics Office ONE in charge of Miosotis Rivas and the Directorate of Poverty, Inequality and Democratic Culture of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development in charge of Rosa Cañete.
Both institutions emphasize the work being carried out by the government to create conditions that promote the empowerment and development of women’s potential, focused on the implementation of a set of policies and measures.
The meeting was held virtually, with a broad participation of representatives of civil society and the Dominican government sector.