First ministry of tourism RoadShow in Buenos Aires

Minister Collado thanked the Argentine agents for their support and confidence in the country and stressed that “this visit to Buenos Aires is aimed at continuing to strengthen the promotion of our destination and thus continue to receive tourists from all over the world,” he said.

The first MITUR RoadShow was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where the Dominican Minister of Tourism, David Collado, presented to more than 300 tour operators, travel agencies and airline executives, all that the country has toMinisterio de Turismo en Buenos Aires offer visitors.

The event took place last Monday night, January 8, at the exclusive Faena Hotel in the Puerto Madero area of the Argentine capital.

For his part, Minister Collado thanked the Argentine agents for their support and confidence in the country and stressed that “this visit to Buenos Aires has the objective of continuing to strengthen the promotion of our destination and thus continue to receive tourists from all over the world”, said the official.

“Thank you Argentina”, “which has become the fourth country in 2023, in issuing tourists to the Dominican Republic”, said Collado to a generalized applause and cheers from the agents and operators present at the event.

The meeting was also attended by the technical vice-minister, Jaqueline Mora, who reported that in 2022, the Dominican Republic received 7.7% of the tourists departing by air from Argentina and in 2023 it will become the fourth country of origin of tourists to the country.

MITUR RoadShow continues in Brazil

As OnlinePlus learned, Minister David Collado and his team will continue with their RoadShow in Brazil today, Wednesday, 10 May from 7 pm. at the Rosewood São Paulo Hotel, in the populous city of São Paulo.


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